Saves Electricity and reduces CO2 emissions?
One of the key benefits of rooflights is that they help cut your lighting bill i.e. saving you or your business money!! Be it a private residence or busy warehouse/office, you are going to need a good high quality light throughout the day. In a larger building, you are may be a fair way from an exterior wall with a window and this is unlikely to provide all the light that you need, even during the middle of the day.
Rooflights can help bring quality daylight to central spaces within a building, taking advantage of those large spaces to help distribute light across the floor of warehouses or open plan offices. Remember that this light is free and won’t cost you any money unlike an electric light source. By having rooflights in your building instead of relying on artificial lighting you will help protect our natural environment.

Lighting tends to cost more than Heating!
You only heat your home during the colder part of the year, but you pay for lighting all year round. This may extend to switching on lights during the daytime if your rooms don’t get enough sunlight.
This problem is particularly common if you have a flat roof extension. The space furthest from the windows can be dark, especially on dull days.

Brightens up your Office – Wellbeing and Output!!
It’s worrying to know that most office workers do not get enough natural daylight. It’s important to have good lighting so your workforce can be as productive as possible, but this doesn’t mean that rooflights can’t help with this. The benefits of daylight include regulating body clocks, improving mental wellbeing and physical health.

Health Benefits of Natural Light
Most interesting are the scientifically proven health benefits of natural light.
- Boosts vitamin DWhen exposed to sunlight, the skin absorbs vitamin D, a critical nutrient that prevents bone loss and reduces the risk of heart disease, weight gain, and various cancers. The so-called “sunshine vitamin” also doesn’t discriminate based on whether you get your sunlight indoors or out. Meaning: increasing your natural light where you spend the most time, be it home or the workplace, is equally important.
- Wards off seasonal depressionFor many people, autumn is a giddy time of crunchy leaves and all things pumpkin spice. Getting as much natural light as possible can help keep these mood changes at bay. For about 6% of the population, fall kicks off a time of serious depression known as seasonal affective disorder (aka major depressive disorder with seasonal patterns). Another 14 % experience the less debilitating (but still significant) “winter blues.”
- Improves sleepSince mental health and sleep often go hand in hand, it’s not surprising that natural light affects both. A small study of office workers revealed that the more natural light exposure they received, the better sleep they experienced
(Source: Article written by Sarah Garone on October 3, 2018 for www.healthline.co)
Natural Light assists to Increases ProductIvity
Research shows (By Ash Buchanan and Juliana Sayago Monday 18 April 2016) that sunlight is the number one wanted natural element in workplace design. workplaces with good daylight have reported a 30 to 40 percent gain in productivity and sales.
In a study, high school students in a classroom with windows and a green view showed a 13 percent increase in performance during attention tests, compared to students in a classroom with no windows.
In a poll of 7,600 office workers from 16 different countries, staff with access to nature reported a 15% higher level of wellbeing. They were also 6% more productive and 15% more creative overall.
Natural Light Improves Mental Function & Memory
The Sacramento Municipal Utility district conducted a study to see how people perform in different environments. In tests of mental function and memory recall, participants who worked in a room with daylight and a view showed a 10 to 25 percent improvement compared to those with no daylight at all.